Saint Francis de Sales School is a Catholic elementary school delivering an exemplary education to students of all faiths and backgrounds. We have an outstanding reputation for serving minority and immigrant communities. Today, our school proudly enrolls an incredibly diverse student body of 450 children from 46 countries and all over Philadelphia and the surrounding area.
We believe in welcoming families of all faiths and places of origin, and that every child is born in the image and likeness of God and should, therefore, be treated with human dignity and respect. We believe academic excellence can be achieved through encouragement, support, and nurturing students’ natural talents.
Our school community is grounded in a focus on the Catholic virtues of justice, fortitude, prudence, temperance, charity, diligence, patience, kindness, and humility. While these values anchor our school's Catholic identity, they offer great value as traits for all to develop. Students are encouraged to develop these traits throughout the year as we focus on a virtue each month.
In addition to our high-quality curriculum for core subjects and religion classes, we also offer STEM, art, and music education, sports programs, homework club, First in Math, a robust after-school music program through Play on, Philly, and many more programs to enrich the educational experience of our students.
You can find out more about the programs we offer here: Academics